Tuesday, September 26, 2006

When do you call em' on it?

We all have friends or family who we just wish would snap out of it. To coin an Australian phrase, "They've lost the plot". You know, people who, no matter the urging, discussing, prodding, encouraging, they just can't change their ways. I have a friend who is struggling with one of his closest friends on this issue. The friend of my friend is "Systematically destroying all of his relationships". I have a relative who just can't seem to get out of a rut. She talks about wanting change, seeing the world, not really caring about her boyfriend, but then doesn't do anything except repeat the same old habits.

What is it that keeps us from calling them on their #$%&!! For me it is probably that I hate conflict and to really call them on the carpet would mean an emotional "what the heck are you doing". But that is because these repeated habits and behaviours have been compiled in a "things that they keep doing" file in my brain and I don't think I can rationally bring up the issues without getting sidetracked on the sorrow I feel for their situation. Or maybe the issues have been raised before with these people and there have been moments of change or spasms of action, yet they resume old behaviors.

I guess I wish I had had someone slap me around a few different times in my life. If we really love these people aren't they worth slapping? I really love Dreyers Rocky Road ice cream.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is anyone else saddened?

When I went to Turkey in September 2001 we were welcomed by everyone we met. We traveled a large portion of the Country from Kussadasi to Ankara to Cappadoccia to Istanbul and received much the same response from people. I read in the Wall Street Journal recently that the US is now third from the top on the most disliked country according to Turkish people. Germany and Palestine are the only ones liked less than us.

From what I read this falling from grace is the same around the world. Maybe I am naive about our standing in 2001 but we traveled the world and found ourselves respected as Americans for the most part. Of course there were plenty of outspoken Westerners who put us in our place, as if we had a direct line to the Prez and helped form the foreign policy of the US. Anyway the point is that now traveling around the world as an American you have a much larger target on your back.

Muslim Jihadists are blowing up tourist destinations in Turkey, Thailand, Gaza, Bali, India and probably a lot of places I don't know about. Not much else to say but I can't wait to go back to Nepal.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Unions are killing our countries' creativity, dynamism, and competitive ability. They were valuable when they were created because they protected people's basic human rights. Today they are rife with corruption, disention, misguided leadership, and a flawed sense of entitlement. More often than not they are publicized for blackmailing companies for raises, more benefits, and working standards. I have personally witnessed many accounts of waste in their operational structure. Early roll-up periods at the end of shifts for walking to the car, dual-gate systems for working with non-union peers, strikes, and forced use of apprentice or journeyman labor are just a few examples. Recently the garbage haulers in Sacramento County have been striking due to a decrease in health benefits. Funny thing is, everyone's healthcare costs are going up. These kind of essential services should be taken away from unions and the ologopolies broken up. It would be interesting to see a union garbage hauler's reaction when entering the emergency room mortally wounded from the joystick thingy they use to pick up trash to find the ER doctors standing outside with picket signs drinking coffee.